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- August 9, 2023
What You Need to Know About Breast Lumps
There are as many different breasts as there are individuals. That is why in addition to annual screenings after 40, each woman should strive to become an expert in what looks and feels normal for her body. Regular self-examination can do wonders in quickly detecting any masses that may form in the breast!
The most common area for breast lumps is the upper outer quadrant of the breast, although cancerous lumps may be present in any other part as well. An abnormal breast lump has edges that are firm and rough: Noncancerous tumors can appear anywhere on the body, grow slowly, and do not spread to other parts of the body like malignant ones. However, large lumps, nipple retractions, and red nipple discharge are all more serious potential signs of breast cancer.
Thankfully, we know that the majority of tumors in the body are benign, with just two of every ten lumps on average being cancerous. It is possible that the lump is simply a result of the breast’s regular aging or development. But even though the majority of lumps are not cancerous, anybody who takes note of one should visit a specialist. Especially in men, breast lumps should always be taken seriously. Visiting your doctor will allay your concerns, and prevention and early detection are our best plans for beating breast cancer.